Establishing a Money Transfer Company in Turkey

Are you looking to establish a money transfer company in Turkey? If you are interested in setting up a company dedicated to this matter, you can refer to the details mentioned in this article.
Money transfers from outside Turkey and vice versa have become one of the most sought-after sectors for many investors. This is due to the residence of nearly 2 million foreigners of various nationalities in Turkey, in addition to the annual entry of 45 million tourists. Given the significant Arab community in Turkey and their desire to transfer money from their countries to Turkey, and due to the complexities of banking transactions, this sector has become a leading field for Arab communities.

Establishing a car rental company

The field of car trade in Turkey has achieved great prosperity in the last five years. The reason for this clear increase is due to the increase in the number of airline passengers, so we can say that car rental is directly linked to the movement of airline passengers.

Opening a gas station project in Turkey

Establishing a company in Turkey can be an exciting and rewarding experience. With over 40 years of experience in providing accounting services to foreigners, we offer you the support and advice you need to achieve your goals. We support you not only during the establishment process but also offer free consultations on initial capital and […]