Rresidence permits in Turkey

Turkey, with its historical beauties, unique geographical location, and rich culture, attracts millions of foreigners every year.

Many foreigners, wanting to experience these beauties more closely and to stay in Turkey for an extended period, consider obtaining a residence permit.

There are various types of residence permits available in Turkey. In this article, we will discuss these types and the processes of obtaining them.

  1. Commercial Residence Permit: This is a type of residence permit obtained by foreigners who want to engage in commercial activities. Foreigners who are partners in companies and investors can obtain this type of permit.
  2. Student Residence Permit: This is given to foreign students registered in an educational institution in Turkey.
  3. Property Residence Permit: Foreigners who own property in Turkey can use their ownership to obtain a residence permit.
  4. Family Residence Permit: This can be obtained for the family members (spouse and children under 18) of a foreigner who has a residence permit in Turkey.
  5. Touristic Residence Permit: This is given to foreigners who want to stay in Turkey and do not fit into the above categories.

The situation with tourist residence permits has been frequently discussed lately.

During the pre-election period, most of the applications for tourist residence permits were rejected due to the political agenda in Turkey.

However, the approval rate for residence permit renewal applications is higher.

The political situation after the election has not yet been fully clarified.

However, it is expected that obtaining a residence permit will be easier in the upcoming period. To get precise information on this matter and to minimize the possibility of your application being rejected, it is crucial to seek professional help.

You can carry out your residence permit applications with a professional and experienced team by contacting us. To start your life in Turkey as soon as possible, get in touch with us immediately!

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